Innovation Plan

I am very excited about the possibility of piloting a blended learning model in my first-grade classroom.  While pursuing my master’s degree from Lamar University in the Digital Learning and Leading program, I have learned a lot and done some extensive reading on the subject of blended learning.  During this reading, I was able to read about case studies from other schools during their implementation process.  It’s nice to see the successes and what the challenges were as well.  With this insight, it helps to learn from others, and what to look for during the implementation process.

John Dewey said. “If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.”

As you can see below, I’m very passionate about implementing this model, and I would love to see this implemented in all of our kindergarten through second-grade classrooms.

As mentioned above, I have read extensively on the subject of blended learning.  I read multiple case studies, as well as articles, and books on the subject.  I gained a lot of knowledge, and insight into what worked, and what did not work.  In my literature review, I addressed all of the challenges that may arise, and what worked well for other schools.

After viewing my call to action video and reading my literature review, I hope that you too will see the benefits of implementing blended learning.  As you can see below, I have a plan of how I think we could make this work.  I would like to see a team created to help this move along and create a working plan for the entire campus.

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